Allen Sunshine tells the story of a former music mogul who retreats to an isolated lakeside home to grieve his famous wife’s suicide. He copes by composing ambient-electronic music and nurturing an un...
Gala's life collapsed when her husband accuses family in financial improprieties. To escape criminals Gala, Julia(mother), daughter hide out in a town in northern Spain. Trying to remain anonymous...
When a couple facing divorce take their kids to help them renovate a historic hotel, their marriage is given a new lease on love when their kids discover letters left decades earlier by a young coup...
Janice's steamy obsession to imitate Lexi propels them to campus stardom. But dark secrets blur the lines between authenticity and seductive deception....
Two men meet in a bar in Las Vegas and discover that they have one big problem in common - their wives. They decide to do something drastic about it....