The Saphead is a 1920 comedy film featuring Buster Keaton. It was the actor's first starring role in a full-length feature and the film that launched his career. The plot was a merging of two stories...
布鲁克林的 Ella Richards 以裁缝的身份从事自由职业来支付账单,但同时也是一名苦苦挣扎的时装设计师,她的朋友 Max 可以看到她的才华,她的朋友 Max 经常帮她做缝纫工作。比如她自己就知道高最终时尚行业在很大程度上忽略了这一大部分人口,因为她自己一生都感到被排斥。凯蒂,她最好的朋友和室友,有自己的时尚行业抱负,想成为一名时尚编辑,尽管她承认环境看,她作为助理工作的高端时尚杂志,在主编...
Brooklyn-based Ella Richards does freelance work as a seamstress to pay the bills, but is also a struggling fashion designer, her talent which her friend Max, who often gets her her sewing work, can...