The film revolves around Damián, who, in order to run away from his boss when he fires him after many long years of service in his company, hides in an old wardrobe that gets delivered to a middle-cla...
Linda has a seemingly perfect marriage with her rugged and handsome husband Mark and an adorable 8 year old daughter, Chloe. But when Chloe is injured by an elderly babysitter who has slipped into d...
罪恶横生的雅加达,警察和恶棍沆瀣一气,不分黑白。为了捣毁这根充满恶臭的利益链条,布纳瓦(Cok Simbara 饰)授意刚刚经历了一场血腥恶战的拉玛(伊科·乌艾斯 Iko Uwais 饰)潜入黑帮大佬班坤(Tio Pakusodewo 饰)的巢穴。此时班坤的儿子尤科(Arifin Putra 饰)正在监狱服刑,化名尤达的拉玛“获罪”入狱,并在连翻拼杀中博得尤科的信任。两年后,拉玛出狱加入班坤的组织...