A young woman with enhanced abilities finds herself hunted down by a sinister government organization. But when an even stronger enhanced serial killer emerges on the scene, agents and mutants are f...
波士顿,一位深受爱戴的牧师神秘被杀,子弹交错穿过脑壳,死相极为惨烈,传言处刑人所为。负责此案的依旧是警察格林利、达菲和多利,但他们对此一筹莫展。幸有智慧性感的FBI特工尤妮斯・布鲁姆(朱莉·本茨 Julie Benz 饰)破解了处刑人的杀人手法。因10年前波士顿血案,异卵双生兄弟康纳(肖恩·派特里克·弗兰纳里 Sean Patrick Flanery 饰)和墨菲(诺曼·瑞杜斯 Norman Ree...
As the Otto family ushers in a new era, Katie and Greg make the emotional decision to sell the family minivan; Daniel suffers a setback that forces him to rethink how to accomplish his goals....
Pierre Lachenay(让·德赛利 Jean Desailly 饰)是一个已婚的作家和杂志主编,在一次出差时,他被美丽的空姐 Nicole(弗朗索瓦·朵列 Françoise Dorléac 饰)所吸引。碰巧的是,两人竟在同一间酒店见面了。Pierre邀请Ni cole出去喝东西,两人聊了一夜,不久,两人便爱得无法自拔。Pierre要回巴黎了,Nicole在他的本子上留了电话号码。回到...