A grandfather and curio shop owner in a small town in Arizona and his granddaughter are transported to a mystical land through a portal stone and have to find their way back....
CIA的反恐行动已经接近尾声,Joe(佐伊·索尔达娜 Zoe Saldana 饰)、Kaitlyn(妮可·基德曼 Nicole Kidman 饰)和Byron(迈克尔·凯利 Michael Kelly 饰)招募了一名新特工来潜入一个以前不为人知的威胁。随着来自各方的压力越来越大,Joe作为“母狮”计划的领导者,必须做出巨大的个人牺牲。...
变种人天启(奥斯卡·伊萨克 Oscar Isaac 饰)诞生于人类文明的最开端,被人类当做神一般敬仰膜拜,然而,这样的他,却遭到了他最蔑视的人类的背叛,被埋葬于废墟石砾之下,一晃眼就是数千年过去。 一场意外使得沉睡千年的天启从混沌中醒来,重返人间的他却发现曾经高贵的变种人,如今境遇十分糟糕。为了创造一个属于变种人的新世界,他找到了暴风女(亚历山德拉·西普 Alexandra Shipp 饰)...
American Charlotte Dobler is a master chocolatier in Vienna, she having taken over historic Dobler Chocolates from her now deceased grandmother. She is facing an eviction of sorts from that historic s...