Lucy and Joe |whose married life is on a verge of a divorce| gets the surprise visit of Mrs. Claus in disguise. Mrs. Claus is on a mission to find the true spirit of
Christmas that can inspire Santa...
狱监保罗(汤姆•汉克斯 Tom Hanks 饰)这天迎来了一位不平凡的杀人犯――约翰•考夫利(迈克•克拉克•邓肯 Michael Clarke Duncan 饰)。约翰因杀了两名幼女被判死刑来到了这座著名的冷山监狱,监狱里有一片称为“绿里”的绿地,绿地那头就是刑场。 约翰不仅不像想象中的凶残,相反,他出奇的温厚、机智。约翰的到来给狱中的各人带来了天翻地覆的变化:为老囚犯特里沃的小老鼠注入了生...
芝加哥大学毕业的物理学家鲍里斯(拉里?戴维 Larry David 饰)自认天才,对世界及人性均极度悲观,在莫名其妙与妻子分手后跳楼自杀未遂,辞去工作搬到纽约曼哈顿城中,靠教小孩象棋为生。某晚在家门口发现了从密西西比州离家出走的天真少女美乐蒂(埃文?雷切尔?伍德 Evan Rachel Wood 饰)。美乐蒂请求鲍里斯收留,极不情愿的鲍里斯只答应让她暂住一晚,却没想到美乐蒂不仅对他的天才极度尊敬,...
Newly-fired reporter Sloane Sawyer reluctantly returns to her rural California hometown to investigate the harassment of local vineyard workers and uncorks a tangled web of crime and corruption behind...