Hollywood star Marina Gregg leaves Los Angeles for the picturesque countryside of St Mary Mead. Having taken up residence at Gossington Hall with her dashing young English husband, film director Jas...
When old family friend Louisa Oxley visits Miss Marple one stormy night seeking help, Miss Marple decides to send her and her son, Archie, to safety at the labyrinthine estate of Greenshaw's Fol...
失意中年导演扎克(查理·大卫 Charlie David 饰)回母校“钥匙石”担任学生影展的评委,15年前他就因为夺冠而开始做导演梦,结果却被现实摔成了玻璃渣。扎克在评审前夜“不小心”睡了一个少年,而第二天面试名单里赫然就有这个叫丹尼(理查德·哈蒙 Richard Harmon 饰)的男孩!丹尼的处女短片“犹大之吻”是有力的竞选作品,巧合的是扎克当年得奖的电影也叫“犹大之吻”。随着两人的重合程...