The Octopod is grabbed by a colossal squid. The Octonauts are unable to break free due to the hooks on the ends of the squid's tentacles. Fortunately the arrival of some sperm whales turns the s...
Kwazii and Dashi become entangled in a strange deep-sea creature - a siphonophore - and when a geyser blasts it toward the surface, the Octonauts must stop its ascent before it fatally bursts....
A dangerous tidal wave washes all the fish up in the trees, which is also a big problem for the poison dart frogs who don't have enough puddles up in the trees for the tadpoles. Luckily, Tweak...
麦斯(雅各布·特瑞布雷 Jacob Tremblay 饰)、托尔(布雷迪·诺恩 Brady Noon 饰)和卢卡斯(基思·L·威廉姆斯 Keith L. Williams 饰)是三个青春懵懂的男孩,三人从很小的时候起就在一起玩了,是感情十分要好的青梅竹马的玩伴。一天,麦斯以外的收到了邻家酷男孩的邀请,邀请三人去参加“亲吻派对”,这三个连女孩子的手都没有摸过的男孩,决定去弄清楚究竟应该怎样接吻。 ...
时光飞逝,一转眼,艾格西(塔伦·埃格顿 Taron Egerton 饰)已经成长为了一名出色而又可靠的特工,他和蒂尔德公主(汉娜·阿尔斯托姆 Hanna Alström 饰)之间的感情也愈演愈浓,两人眼看着就要携手步入婚姻的殿堂。就在这个节骨眼上,前特工查理(爱德华·霍尔克罗夫特 Edward Holcroft 饰)杀了回来,如今的他效力于一个名为“黄金圈”的贩毒组织,组织头目波比(朱丽安·摩...